Monday, May 4, 2009

Unimportant Favoite Things!

I was recently tagged by Together We Save to list six unimportant things that make me happy. But before I start, here are the rules:

1. Mention the person who nominated you. Be sure to check out blog.

2. List six unimportant things that make you happy !

My List:

1. My day has not started unless I have had my Diet Coke this by far is my favorite
moment of the day.

2. Blogging is my new favorite thing! I now have two different blogs! Savvy Squirrel &
Grape Vine.
3. I love every holiday! I think I get more excited than my kids. =)
4. My next favorite moment of the day is when my husband calls to say Goodmorning!
5. Is my favorite number. This is the day I was born on!
6. Getting great deal! This makes me very happy. The best one: a brand new Lazy Boy
for only $30.
3. Tag six blogs. State the rules, and let them know with a small comment on their blog.

This is who I tagged:

Cheaper by the Dozen and Get One Free

Thrifty Northwest Mom

Frugal Mommy

Saving Your Cents

Coupom Mommie

Super Coupon Mom

Check out these great Blogs!!!!!


Together We Save


  1. Neat blogs, thanks for the links.

  2. I linked back to you, thanks for linking to my blog, and considering it a good one! It means a lot with all the blogs out there in blogosphere!
