Thursday, March 26, 2009

Start a Garden!

Have you ever heard the saying " grow a garden & you will never go hungry? Well, its time to start! Dont know how to start a garden? Its easy! You can start your seeds at home or buy your starts around the first week in May. To start your starts at home buy some seeds at the store tomatoes, peppers, squash, pumpkins, green beans, ect.. (save your egg cartons and milk jugs) put some soil in the egg cartons (if you dont want to buy any soil just dig some up outside, thats where the plants are going to grow anyways) plant your seeds and water. Let the kids help! They will have a great time growing things at home.
Dont have an acctual spot for a garden? Work it into your landscaping. One of the homes we lived in didnt have a "garden spot" so I just planted my squash in the landscaping! It looked great & when July, August & Sept rolled around we had lots of squash to share with the neighbors.
Planting a garden is a great way to save money even if it is just a few things you plant. I reccomend planting tomatoes, peppers, squash & pumpkins at least. Do you buy pumpkins in the fall? If you do you will know that they are about $3 ea. Well you can get about 12 for a pack of $1 seeds. You can plant them right into your landscaping. Your sprinkler will probabbly even water them for you. Great savings!
Extra tomatoes I can. Extra peppers and sqash I blanch and freeze. The possiblities are endless with a garden. It is a great way to save money and live healthy.
~Tip~ The milk jugs are to cover your plants if we have a late freeze. Just cut off the tops and turn them upside down when it freezes and your plants will stay safe!

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